Payment gateway script - RpayWallet

RPay- Overview RPay is a customizable Digital payment script system with wallet & QR code features. It is feature-packed wallet Script software seamlessly manages business with payments, promotions. Our script is packed with different UI designs, user-friendly interface, eye-catching color combinations etc. Overview of Pop pay Pop Pay is structured and developed to bring Caribbean Island closer to being a cashless society. Pop Pay is a secure and smart way to carry electronic money in smart phone, giving the convenience of paying for anything, anywhere on-the-go. Pop Pay brings easy to use options that are designed to be accessible, convenient and simple backed by reputed partners to provide security and a credible and reliable customer experience. Pop Pay provides a convenient way for a user to make in – store payments and can be used at merchants listed with the Pop Pay service provider Role of RPay in developing Pop Pay RPay platform helps to ...