Digital Payment Solution - Rpaywallet

Roamsoft introduces a digital wallet platform "RPay" with customer app, merchant app, end-to-end admin panel. A perfect solution for requesting payments from customers digitally Problem in the industry In today's world each and everything has to be done in a fast, safe and secure manner. Quicker mode of transaction, bill payment, recharge facilities, security of the card details, is not possible without digital solution. ü Cash is required for every payment and it is not safe ü Counterfeit, black money problems and harm to nature ü Hard to pay bills, recharge, book train& flight tickets ü Hard to transfer money to a bank account, book movie tickets ü Limited Payment options; Hard to make inter-account transfer Solutions we provide RPay wallet script helps your businesses grow and provides features like a hassle- free sign up, load and send money, withdraw cash, pay merchants, buy tickets, instant notification, limited liability etc...