
Showing posts from May, 2020

Digital payment trends for 2020

Digitization of payments was a huge jump towards the goal to achieve an easy, convenient, fast, and secure payment method. Arguably, we have achieved all of it. Digital payment  methods saw massive developments in the span of four to five years and we are about to see even more changes in the coming future. In such times, it’s really exciting to see what 2020 has in store for us. In this article, we will closely look at all those digital payment trends that will make it big in the year 2020 . Biometric authentication Biometric authentication is a trend that you’ll see quickly emerging in the year 2020. Biometric authentication is a verification method which involves biological and structural characteristics of a person. These verification methods include fingerprinting scanners, facial recognition, iris recognition, heartbeat analysis, and vein mapping. With the rise in the problems of identity theft and fraud, biometric authentication can become a reliable and secure ...