R Pay Wallet - QR code Technology

QR code A QR code (quick response code) is a type of 2D bar code that is used to provide easy access to information through a smart phone. In this process, known as mobile tagging, the smart phone's owner points the phone at a QR code and opens a barcode reader app which works in conjunction with the phone's camera. Where QR Code can be used? QR codes can be used for anything and everything. They are also beneficial for both customers and businesses. · Events/ Airline tickets · Mobile coupons/Loyalty cards · Mobile Payments etc Static QR code Static QR Codes are QR Codes that can't be changed once they are made. These are, for instance, email and content Codes, which don't accumulate any tracking measurements. What is a Dynamic QR Code? While Static QR Codes contain fixed data, Dynamic QR Codes have the likelih...